The Wisconsin Farmers Union Foundation is proud to support our members and their communities through grant opportunities for events and projects that enhance life in rural Wisconsin. We support efforts that:
Foster family farming
Enhance the quality of rural life
Provide opportunities for public education and dialogue
Encourage cooperative economic development.
Grant applications are reviewed quarterly by the WFU Foundation Board of Directors on the 15th of February, May, August, and November.
Questions? Contact WFU Director of Development Danielle Endvick at dendvick@wisconsinfarmersunion.com or 715-382-6814.

WFU Foundation donations can be mailed to WFU, 117 W. Spring St., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 or to make a donation online, click below. The Foundation is also able to facilitate planned giving and endowment opportunities.
Gifts of all amounts are tax deductible. We very much appreciate this generous support and welcome the opportunity to discuss options for giving that meet the needs and goals of donors and their families. Want to learn more about areas where your donation can make a difference? Contact Director of Development Danielle Endvick at dendvick@wisconsinfarmersunion.com or 715-382-6814.
grant opportunities
Apply for a Local Initiative Grant
Local Initiative Grants provide support to Farmers Union chapters throughout the state and aim to increase WFU outreach and visibility, provide education on farm and rural issues, expand participation, and develop partnerships and activities with other organizations.
WFU Foundation Board of Directors
Darin Von Ruden, President
Tina Hinchley, Vice President
Linda Ceylor, Secretary
Ed Gorell, Treasurer
Michelle Miller, Director
William Nelson, Director
Jeff Peck, Director
Danielle Endvick, Director of Development
715-382-6814, dendvick@wisconsinfarmersunion.com